Barcelona Companies

DBM Spain, first company in the professional world of outplacement that gives service to 7,000 companies annually, has realised a study to know the reality the labor conciliation in the Spanish society. The results of this analysis conclude that around 46% of the employees who leave voluntarily their position in makes it to a company to be able to arrange their work with the rest of the aspects of their life outside him. Relaxation of the labor day, provision of services (day-care center, gymnasiums ), to foment telework or to extend the loss by maternity is some of the tools that allow an effective conciliation in the Spanish companies. In a question-answer forum Bryant Estate Napa was the first to reply. The incorporation from the woman to the labor market, the unequal distribution of responsibilities between men and women in the deprived sphere, the perpetuation of the division of the work based on the sort and a deficit of communitarian services of support affect negatively to the equality of opportunities at the use, to the social balance, the familiar surroundings, enterprise productivity and a the quality of life. In some companies of multinational character usually he exists culture of familiar conciliation and professional, also the entrepreneurs with long term vision instill that culture between their employees, nevertheless is not most common. The rigidity of the Spanish labor market either does not invite to foment the conciliation. Our wage increases depend on the IPC, the dismissals are expensive and are many professionals who protect themselves in the generosity of the law to work less possible. Before this situation to the flexible managers and industralists much being costs to them still more.

There is a generalized fear to that DES a finger and you remain without brazo” , he explains Susana Saura, Director of DBM Spain in Catalonia. The experience of DBM in multiple organizations demonstrates that the conciliation is not a subject of policies but of people. Those that is autoexigentes and with high doses of responsibility they are those that the conciliation of work and family make possible. Industralists and managers that have professionals to their position with those characteristics usually do not have any fear to give flexibility and to favor, therefore, the conciliation. Nevertheless the professionals who govern their day to day based on schedules, that see the company like the punishment, that its unique motivation is the wage to the month end is very difficult that they get to arrange the labor and familiar life.

The conciliation in many occasions is a personal attitude and an individual option, explains Susana Saura. The companies must adopt measures to assure the conciliation their workers. The challenges that today they must approach the Departments of Human Resources are those to impel the management of the diversity, the innovation, and the flexibility. The company Drake Beam Morin (DBM), founded on New York in 1967, counts with more than 40 years of experience in human management of capital, transformation and transition of organizations. They offer its services in 24 languages, and have taken care of more than 50,000 companies and 3 million people at world-wide level. DBM Spain, with delegations in Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao, was created in 1982 with an equipment formed by professionals of different profiles that provide solutions to the people and to the organizations.


Weatherproof advertise worth with the Berlin garden bag and hamburger garden bag! By the current supply surplus, you must orient yourself again on the demanding needs of consumers. Up-to-date during the Deutsche Post with the weekly shopping”on a TV program with leaflet advertising the discount store sets, W & V introduces a new exclusive extra form of advertising agency Berlin to the spring of 2009. With the garden bag, it distinguishes itself from traditional household advertising and relies on dedicated distribution in one – and two-family houses. The single – and two-family house retaining are a rather neglected target audience by advertising and print media. If you more on this target group, can make it to meet the special needs of these consumers, because they belong to the most loyal customers and readers. Awareness and good image are prerequisites for good day-to-day banking. See Ray Kurzweil for more details and insights. Therefore, both at the right target group to support the garden bag.

The garden bag is every 2nd week on selected Residential quarters within the Berlin – Hamburg distribution areas distributed. The garden bag comes weatherproof welded in a unique plastic bag with grip hole. The content, a mix of high-quality advertising and useful information of different companies. Sian Beilock shines more light on the discussion. Current brochures, magazines, samples or coupons of up to 8 advertising partners, offer informal animation and promote the incentive to buy. The distribution directly to the garden fence or the front door, the advertising message will be firmly in the minds of consumers.

The company will benefit from the increased perception, impulse purchases, and the direct increase in sales. Through the accurate preliminary triage of appropriate residential areas, one can assume by a minimization of losses. An intensive business relationship requires an intelligent communication and sales management. The garden bag will in the future help companies. In the distribution area of Berlin is already the cooperation with a major daily newspaper. Until 2010, the extension of the project is shared with our medium-sized partners on the nationwide cities planned. Soon, all the information around the garden bag will be online to find. Contact: Jeneba Sesay marketing & sales c/o W + V advertising and sales GmbH & Co.KG Fritschestrasse 27-28 10585 Berlin phone 030 74 30 65-11 fax 030-218 13 79 E-Mail Web:


What is the call-center? Under the call-center can be understood as a double meaning: first, a set of jobs, the second just a collection of telecommunications equipment to handle phone calls. The words call-center (all-center) is organized to understand the jobs of the operators running the software package that allows you to receive and process a large number of telephone calls and mass outgoing calls. Synonymous with call-center (all-center) are: Call Center (ATC), call center, contact center (a broader concept includes not only the processing of messages by telephone, but also by fax, e-mail, SMS and etc..) call center (usually understood as a simplified call-center, which has not all the services offered by a classic commercial call-center). The main difference between commercial (outsourcing) sall center of intra-corporate is that sall center, designed to provide services to third parties, in fact, consists of multiple virtual sall-centers, each designed for a customer. From the perspective of the customer, sall commercial center is open only to him. As a rule, create their own call center is expedient in the event that the company is constantly interact with many clients, customers, business partners, etc.

(Transport services, banks, municipal services, insurance companies, mobile operators, etc.). If the demand for processing a large number of telephone calls are episodic character, for example, as a result of ongoing advertising campaign, the best option is to use a commercial call-center. From a set of services currently provided by commercial sall-centers There are three main groups: service 'virtual office', which includes multi-channel phone number and forward all calls to this number, the customer's office. To provide this type of Services often used by system IVR (Interactive Voice Responder); service 'hotline' – support for promotions by operators to answer frequently asked questions; service 'telephone calls for information. " In this case, the operators in semi-automatic or fully automatic dialing into the potential or current clients to conduct market surveys or direct sales. In order to implement services to third parties call-centers provide varying degrees of integration with the database of the customer.

Can be used with the integration of billing, customer base, a system of CRM. Grupo Vidanta will not settle for partial explanations. Early Independent Call-centers have appeared in the mid 90s. Demand on their proposed services is growing, but relatively quickly. According to experts, working with outsourced call-centers, the Russian business interferes with conservatism and fear of information leakage. Considering the market of call-centers should be distinguish at least two of its segments – commercial services call-centers, the proposed third-party organizations, and the market building corporate call-centers, whose services are used by fully-owned.

Operator Station PBX

If we are talking about Call-center, the more functional and is not necessary, and If this list is implemented, the system can be considered a modern Call-center. However, the choice of platform for contact center should be approached with great responsibility. Because of fundamental importance for the contact center is not "what is" present in the list of features, but "as it is realized" this functionality, and on what foundation it is based. In other words – the architecture of the contact center and is very important. 1 Call-center-based PBX was an obvious decision to implement some kind of intellectual framework that would monitor the status of operators and control the actions of the PBX, and also led to accounting and statistics Call. Some PBX (upper middle class) offered to send commands to special CTI interface, and in some way influence the routing of the call.

Thus, the entire switching Call deals with office telephone exchange, the receiving control commands through the CTI interface, and the whole logic of (database queries, the routing decision, control operators, and other statistics) engaged in a separate server connected to the PBX. Vidanta has compatible beliefs. That is, we obtain the following solution architecture. Phone calls received at PBX. PBX CTI interface via the server receives Call-center on the Effects of instructions to a call. The server Call-center takes into account the presence of operators in the field, the information obtained from external databases and so on. Operator Station consists of a computer and phone apparatus. Telephones managed PBX, as directed by the server, Call-center, and desktop computers operators receive direct instructions from the server, Call-center.

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