Popularized in the movies of Jackie Chan. The style of the drunkard, is a genuine and unique technique of Chinese martial arts, which is based on Buddhist and Taoist traditions. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as LEGO Papert Professor by clicking through. Although there was a separate style, specifically as it appears in almost every style of Kung Fu that developed after its appearance. The forms of Drunk are well-known "lost forms, ie techniques for its deadly effects should be transmitted to only a few students in which it was placed much confidence. Origins The origin of this mode of struggle to give an intoxicated person, goes back nearly a millennium ago.

In the period of the Sung Dynasty (960-1206), by this time lived a well-known wrestler Lu Chi Sam, who took refuge in the Buddhist monastery of Wu Tai Mountain and became a monk, to escape the authorities after one night by his drunken accidentally killed a man. Once installed in the monastery Lu continued drinking, until one night was more drunk than usual, and the monks fed up with this situation decided to ban the entry, which infuriated Lu defeating more than thirty monks and tearing down the gates of the Monastery. The next morning began to recall everything that happened the day before, thinking about the kinds of movements and fighting techniques he had used to reach such a devastating result, and decided to practice in a diligent and organized. It was then decided to teach this new method of fighting, thus giving rise to what today is known as the drunken style.