The positioning in the Network conyeva a series of extra efforts that stops these industralists can suppose 80% of the productive time. To know to that we faced can suppose the difference between the success and the failure. Formerly the industralists worried about the state of the highways so that its merchandise arrived or about sabotages of employees in Marxist revuletas. As much time back the free competition did not play a determining role in the development of many businesses and the new technologies definitively supposed a point of flexion in the way to work of the companies. A small emrpeario now must have a spherical control of all the subjects of its company.

Not simply it must know of computers if it is dedicated to his sale. It must know how to be expert in Marketin, logstiva, finances, macroeconomics, international trade, right office staff, fiscality and accounting, English, human office automation, resources, commercial work Therefore a long etc. This supposes an investment enrome of time or in its defect of money if we delegated the work to other specialists. Then than we are speaking is than the barriers of entrance to new small companies, with the era of the technology, they have been increased of substantial way. The planning and the good advising can suppose that a shining idea fails or is successful. In particular, one of the enemy majors of the small industralists is to conquer the competitive world of the positioning in Internet. The difference to appear first in the results search of google can suppose of thousands, even million Euros. This work is not a science esacta since nobody knows with esactitud the methods that use the finders to show their results. To what engineer in the race thought to him that to be industralist he had to become journalist? The Author is the Director of Advising Online, pioneering company in the services of Consultant’s office Online. Its work helps a great number of professionals to diminish costs and to achieve the professional success by means of the Customized Advising Online Customized Advising Online in all Spain and Corredura of insurances