Now it is difficult to say when he first appeared, the term "cell bank". Old timers may recall mobile industry (mobile), bank offices on wheels, however, most users of banking services arise association or a mobile phone, or mobile device – palm. Why is the exclusive mobile phone SMS-banking is a kind of telephone banking are also difficult to explain. But, by and large account, you can talk about the two convergent branches of evolution, which came from the phone, on the one hand, and personal computers, on the other. For phones were set up such channels of DBS as a contact center and interactive voice response, for personal computers in the early modem "fat" and then "thin" web-client. The era of GSM has produced a new DBS channels – stitched in the SIM-card application SIM Toolkit, SMS-alert, and then Two-way SMS-channel DBS (later – USSD), in fact, stillborn WAP-channel and channel mobile Java-based applications are not widespread in the force of mass non-compliance with standards for J2ME and MIDP. In parallel, developing small personal digital devices (PDA – Personal Digital Assistant / PocketPC – the so-called "PDAs" or "PDAs") are actually the same fate as personal computers, giving the world as a thin client of the bank for mobile browsers and application on the mobile platform. With the advent of the smartphone market situation has changed little since the device has combined the possibility of handheld and mobile phone, but the same revolution in the channels of DBS has not happened.