
In this article we will talk about the most common errors that occur during the production layout, and preparing files for printing. To begin with we list them, and then consider each separately. Applied to the font file is not appended to the original text or the layout is not converted to curves. Bitmaps zaverstany no relationship with the original file or embedded in a vector file with the original image not included. Raster images are made at too high or low resolution (including those due to scaling in layout). Bleed very small or nonexistent.

The file contains extra spot of paint or not to identify those that are actually needed. Improperly manufactured prior separations. That is, errors in the parameters of dot gain, improper use of color profiles, excess of the permissible amount of colors, problems with the generation of black paint. The file contains elements of the color model rgb. Apply these file formats, or their property, which almost inevitably lead to error PostScript-device (alpha channels, LZW-or JPEG-compression, complex clipping paths, OLE-objects, etc.). The file is created in a program not intended for the manufacture of models, for example, it could be an office application. Now more about each listed items.

1. Applied to the font file is not appended to the original text or the layout is not converted to curves. Typically, these errors are newcomers who started working with graphics programs. In order to definitively understand that the font is a specific information, and it is taken from the individual files, but they are not a part of the graphical editor, you must possess at least a minimal knowledge of what a "computer" font, how it works operating system, and how he managed shriftovym manager.