Leader Greaters

Wozniak says that Jobs proved to be one of the leader greaters of the present time Steve Wozniak established Apple next to Steve Jobs in 1976. Former announced exit of the command of the company in fourth (24). Of the G1, in So Paulo to print Wozniak established Apple with Steve Jobs in 1976 (Photo: Altieres Special Rohr/for the G1) Steve Wozniak, that established Apple with Steve Jobs in 1976, granted an interview for Bloomberg TV on the exit of Jobs of the command of the company. Wozniak said that the executive proved to be ‘ ‘ leader greater of the industry of the technology of ours tempo’ ‘. ‘ ‘ When it came back toward Apple in 1997, I was not certain if it was the best idea.

But it proved to be the leader greater of the industry of the technology of our time, at least ‘ ‘ , he said. ‘ ‘ I am happy to have known somebody so important that vidas’ improved ours; ‘ , he completed. According to Wozniak, Jobs did not start only Apple. ‘ ‘ It started the store of musics iTunes. It started the store retail. It was for backwards of iPhone, that it is the device of our life today.

It made to compute Apple many vezes’ ‘ , it said. Wozniak admitted that it spoke 0ccasionally with Jobs for telephone or when they met in events of Apple. ‘ ‘ After having in such a way if sacrificed, now Steve will have time for its vida’ ‘. Steve Jobs announced officially in the Wednesday that is leaving the command of Apple.