These signals are of all the times and all the places, equally accessible to all the men, great and small, wise and ignorant. Europeans, Indians, Africans, savages. If he had a religion on the land it are of which alone he had perpetual penalties, and that in some part of the world only mortal one was not convinced this evidences, the God of this religion would be most iniquitous and cruelest of tiranos.' ' (Rousseau). ' ' All religion holds ethics and all ethics discharge in a religion, in the same measure where the ethics if guide for the direction of transcendente of the life human being (Cato). ' ' It is necessary to surpass the limited errneas and many times ethics definitions and to consider ethics of the conscience and the freedom in place of the ethics of the law and the obligation.
With this it can be said that science is part of the search of transcendente that it is common to others as many cultural activities: art, music, literature. One sees that the church is not and it cannot be other people’s to the scientific activity. It does not fear the scientific progress, she stimulates but it, the honor and she favors the best use of the same in benefit of the humanity. All conquest of science constitutes a bigger possibility of approach between the two terms: God and the Man. He does not have scientific advance that he is above of ethos cultural and social e, fortiori, all ethics must say to the totality of the existence human being; therefore, also science and its conquests particularly the technological ones. The ethics stimulate the scientists in its arduous mission, especially at genius moments. Sciences construct its to know from the experiment and the ethics, as articulated speech of the religious moral, makes its way drinking in the well of the Revelation.