Delgado Fernandez Process

However, it has not been possible to meet the existing demand, due to insufficient levels of production, as well as the low quality of their products, influenced, among other factors, the scant existing expertise on technological processes and innovation. So it is that you can say that the sector has no even procedures allowing you to diagnose and evaluate their technological processes and innovation, to analyze the factors that affect its development, as well as perform adequate surveillance of the technological environment that will make it possible to uncover opportunities to improve them, develop a plan of technological development that, being in correspondence with the strategic objectives of the Organizationallow you to find relevant ways to enrich its technological heritage and protect their products, knowledge and technologies. Development 1. Methodology of evaluation of technological innovation to characterize the activities of management of technology and innovation (GTI, in forward it) object of study, as a starting point and an essential element for the development of the technological strategy, companies used a general diagnostic procedure, developed by the author of this work. The elaboration of the same was conceptually based on module 1 of the evaluation methodology of technological innovation proposed by Delgado Fernandez (2005), as appropriate and relevant for this purpose research, integrating itself as an essential component in the process of strategic planning of the Organization, although he said a corresponding adjustment in relation to the overall objective of this research; constituting a novel element derived from its adaptation. How diagnosis can contribute to initiate a participatory process to introduce actions of It improves, this methodology was developed with the objective to serve as a tool to start a self-assessment about the behavior of the innovation process (PI). Also guide aims to be a first step to motivate a flare on the activities of GTI, because the intention is not so much get appropriate responses in the characterization of the current situation, as that companies may raise their own essential questions to increase its capacity for innovation. .