If transistion shows as time of, of uncertainties and undeterminations, putting in check validities of sciences that totalitarianly defines the society, fruit of changes in structures of convivncia social, that modifies of significant form the culture of the place, folloied of new social, technological elements and propagandas that stir up to use them as the computer science, that is one of these ways that if fast propagated and mainly walks gaining adepts to each moment in the society in what the Internet says respect, symbol of democratic media, in which if houses sites as the Wikipdia, where the users can contribute with knowledge that in its majority probatory content or scientific severity runs away from, causing an explosion of information that cannot be proven, constructed for opinions in given chances the population expressions with participation headquarters, another site that affected the behavior of the society were the Orkut, this at any given time provoked a liberty of speech and partilhamento of emotions, feelings and particularitities of each one, today have a predominance of adepts in the site of the Facebook, similar to the Orkut, however this has for especificidade the sharing of any thoughts that the user wants to display to internautas of sufficiently fast and interactive form. With these adventos we can also perceive that the society if saw frees censures of them bureaucratic of publications, before were quiet and they did not have the easiness that it has so quickly to join the forces and opinions, thus concurring for a cultural unicity and certain politicalization of the masses, that now appear with a democratic and vitalizadora force in the communication, but at the same time that it becomes enlarged this democracy and freedom, appears of the other side of the currency collateral reactions, come tona the respect lack, unreliability, the violence, etc, from there is constructed new young with personalities forged for the informacional globalization, with competing ideologies and contrary of the traditionalism cultural politician and, changing the actors detainers of the determinative voices, the after-modern population does not obtain more to swallow the traditionalism, the old forms of cultural order, pulls in return for it the legality of social transformation and politics and thus finishes for provoking social revolts, rebellions and manifestations against the established order.