During the training I had the opportunity to get to aspire to the position of supervisor of areas of sugar beet cultivation for the company MAQUILAGRO – try INVERLINK aspects of great importance for the position with efficiency required, the first topic treated referred to the importance of knowledge in the management of water resources and soil physicochemical formation, just as we were instructed in the installation of irrigation flow computers, water pressure Soil moisture content and so on. In another aspect shaping organizational met the company in charge of implementing the project for the production of fuel alcohol, with It informs us about areas where clearings were installed, number of areas to grow, many jobs can generate . The way you rotate crops to avoid soil damage and the site where it will install the biofuel processing plant. In another of the thematic study learned the ways of maintaining a united team, the benefits achieved and how to handle possible disputes that may arise. The leadership that the supervisor must exercise to resolve labor disputes in addition to the responsibilities of a supervisor with the functions to be exercised, and the features that must have a person who wants to hold that position. We also have the instruction to access the job bank of the Seine, develop a resume properly and the steps leading to a recruitment process in an enterprise. We broke the law by which the Colombian state in its policy of finding new fuel alternatives other than oil and its derivatives like saving gasoline and diesel promotes itself through the production of energy sources renewable natural.One of the most interesting parts we remember in training was undoubtedly the personnel management, starting with the general on personnel administration, material, staff and administration. In areas of the company recall the different ways of administrative organization, such as managing personnel, the objectives and functions of personnel administration. Labor market and labor market staff recruitment, recruitment sources with the phases that must be taken into account when selecting potential employees for a company. Aspects related to the environmental conditions of work are also vital to know them as worker safety depends reduce costs to businesses by disabilities generated by any accident caused by not knowing these rules. In the talks by the instructors and management clearly to the respective practices relevant to each topic, I welcome the opportunity to learn new things and remember the knowledge already discussed in other opportunities.